Counter Strikes TO THE FACE!

Jack Burright

 Mr. Burright has been the Head Instructor at a local dojo called called Counter Strikes. Mr. Burright worked in the law enforcement field for 18 years in the criminal division with 34 years of martial arts experience and has a 6th degree Black Belt in mixed martial arts. You would expect one of this experience to be a hardened and opposed to the "kid gloves" of life. to that you would be wrong. Mr. Burright teaches kids as well as adults.

 A wide range of people and children come from all over the valley to learn from Mr. Burright's experienced hands. Counter Strikes dojo, has a set of rules for the instructors or would-be instructors that teach. Be Dependable, Enthusiastic, Patient, Believe in your students, be sensitive to students' needs, Be a good finder, be approachable, be prepared, be sure to practice good personal hygiene, and be constantly striving to improve your personal martial arts skills, teaching skills, and moral code. With all this said all ages can learn here. Learning here is also is Donna Buck (not seen) is part of a family that has three generations all taught by Mr. Burright.

Children as young as 4 years old and as old as 19 have learned form Mr. Burright and his staff but one this did stand out to me as I asked questions to the parents and former students about the experience. The Folger family who are still new have said that they came here because of "lots of good marks." Or Mr. Tom Dean has a step-son with 8 months under his belt Mr. Dean said the experience was a family oriented focus. 
This reporter strongly suggest you check out what Mr Burright has created. 


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