Cherry City Comic-Con (Power Outage included) all the chunky bits included

Joel Adams 
A professional artist for 16 years and worked on projects such as King Of The Hill. Mr. Adams grew up in a family of artists so it wasn't really hard to find his path in life. Mr. Adams brought a cleaner art style to the show King of the Hill with visible changes between episodes 1-6 his work is not that hard to see unless your really trying or you just don't watch the show. 
"Somethin ain't right bout that boy Peggy"-Hank Hill
Artist- Joel Adams

Name- Anonymous 
This event has made the call not to just artist but to steam punk lovers and cosplayers, furries and blacksmiths. For a moderate event quite a few people showed up to strut their stuff even though the power was out for several blocks including at this event. Many of those in the event had glow sticks and lightsabers. Also if you are a Star Wars fan, the 501st legion was there with custom Mandalorian equipment and personalized lightsabers. Sadly this reporter was unable to get photos of the stand or products. 
Robert "Rob" Echat
Mr. Echat was at Cherry City 5th annual comic event as a Cosplay Weapons dealer to the cosplayers and other patrons but also had a few real deal swords. The designs were from Japan and China those swords were asked not to be photographed. This forge veteran of 19 years gave some helpful advise to help this reporter to be better at his hobbies in the future as well. 
Each sword Mr. Echat makes take fifty-five hundred hours of forge time to make and not one of his creations are the same.


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