Jack Kraft

Still a young man of 22 years of age Jack Kraft was a native born Oregonian who at a young age had to move away to Hawaii. He brought back a little clarity form the islands. Hawaii is not a tropical dream land that most of you think about. This young man spent the majority of his time throughout middle school and high school talking fellow students out of suicide and abusive relationships. Not only did he complete his schooling with flying colors Mr. Kraft still made time to come to the aid of EVERYONE in need. Yes you heard that right, even if he didn't know you. If someone warned Mr. Kraft that you in danger of self harm Mr. Kraft would somehow find you and if needed sit up with you into the early mornings. "If I have a chance to save someone's life it was worth it."
I strongly issue a challenge to the reader, find a resident of Hawaii and read about their lives on the islands, from $15 for a gallon of milk, to the issue of roads just being glorified hiking trails there is a lot of issues that need attention that just are being ignored.   


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